Sunday 19 March 2023

The Missing Person

A Man Out of Time


 July 2012
Neo-noir is the grandchild of film-noir which basically was an expressionist creative output that started to fade as an artistic style in the late 50's.

Neo-noir style films come in all sorts of forms. This one is an homage in the truest sense. It isn't some sort of underlying influence with a modern panache, it is a bare bones portrayal of a man out of time.

His time is when film noir flourished. A time when you could smoke where you wanted, coffee was made in a percolator on a stove, alcohol was carried in a flask, cops patrolled in cars (not some two wheeled foot extension), phones had a cord attached, and a listening device was a stethoscope.

But our hero has been engulfed in some kind of post 911 time warp, sucked into a nether world where everything is slightly off center . It's a tale of mistaken preconceptions, jazz, and a big cash payout.

A good looking retro feel and an incredible, twisted face, lead performance make this a fine homage and a grandchild worth loving.


The Missing Person
Noah Buschel 


  1. watching now: the PI making crappy coffee in the morning, tropey mctropenstein or homage?
