Sunday 24 July 2022

A Wet Emptiness

         We drove away from Las Olindas through a series of little dank beach towns with shack-like houses built down on the sand close to the rumble of the surf and larger houses built back on the slopes behind. A yellow window shone here and there, but most of the houses were dark. A smell of kelp came in off the water and lay on the fog. The tires sang on the moist concrete of the boulevard. The world was a wet emptiness.

The Big Sleep
Raymond Chandler


  1. I have watched this movie three times and still have not figured out the plot. The chemistry between Bogart and Bacall makes it all worthwhile though.

  2. Agree with you on both those things ..... Chandler never paid much attention to plots. Just his strength on other things made it matter less.

  3. Faulkner said while he was working on the screenplay that he hadn't figured out the plot. I think I understand all of it except what happened to the chauffeur.
