Tuesday 24 December 2013

Pilgrimage to La Jolla

           At least once a month a devotee knocks on the door and begs Ramos for a tour. But this is no museum. The study where Chandler wrote is now a teenage girl's bedroom. There's no plaque in the bedroom where the author tended to his wife Cissy, dying of heart and respiratory ailments. The bathroom where Chandler, two months after Cissy's death, tried to shoot himself is still in use and the bullet holes in the ceiling are no longer visible.
    ......... He moved often in his last few years. Moving from New York to London and back to La Jolla with frequent stops in clinics to dry out  .................
        Ramos has tried to introduce his kids to the man's work which lifted a maligned genre into the realm of art. 'They're not that interested' he admitted. 'You can only do so much'.

Rubbing Out Chandler's Place ?
Peter Rowe  2004
San Diego Union Tribune


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