Saturday 21 September 2013

More Fat City

         Gardner wrote Fat City as a moody elegy to the wayward dreamers who fight in tank-town arenas, then retreat to flophouses and shotgun weddings, day labor and rotgut drinking binges.
        There is no championship at stake here, no cable-tv money, no Vegas fling. There is only the bleak skyline of Stockton, Calif. ..............

John Schulian
Trust Me on This - As True as a Crisp Left hook
Los Angeles Times 1992

Fat City
John Huston 1972



  1. Great book and film, sadly neglected.

  2. That's very true David. I've always been a bigger fan of the book rather than the film, even thugh it was directed by the excellent John Huston, and i would probably choose it as my favourite novel.
